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by Denis Dailleux

Musée Jean-Honoré Fragonard
14 rue Jean Ossola, 06130 Grasse
04 93 36 02 07

Free entrance
The colors, flowers and fragrances of India paint an immediately recognizable picture, and the photographic works of Denis Dailleux - a tribute to our "India year" - embody the country's very quintessence. Shot in situ, using a 6 × 6 film camera, Denis' compositions offer harmonious bouquets of scents and colors, forming the perfect backdrop for both people and flowers. Denis Dailleux has a sensitive, loving eye for his subjects, exalting the incredible beauty of fragile lives and plants alike. His photos are genuine poems.

Before making a living from photography, Denis Dailleux worked for a decade for Christian Tortu, the florist who revolutionized flower arrangements in Paris in the Eighties. Born in Anjou like Denis, Christian Tortu is a lover of nature: his parents' garden was his first playground. His unpretentious arrangements combine flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables to offer a raw depiction of the wild and free natural world. Today, Denis' lengthy experience in floral composition and love of plants is found in delicate touches in many of his works, in particular those created in India. An attentive and patient photographer, Denis has a very personal approach to his portraits. He has an incredible talent for capturing the intensity of an expression, a gaze or body position. He plays with light and shade to lend his images their pictorial aspect. Denis lived in Egypt for many years and initially won acclaim for his book Le Caire (Cairo) published by Editions du Chêne, together with his awardwinning series Mère et fils (Mother and Son). A long-hauler, who loves really getting to know his subjects, he forges true friendships with the men and women he photographs. His approach is heartfelt and based on respect for others, honoring their differences and individual personality. He takes time to return regularly - often if necessary - to his favorite hunting grounds. His projects take shape over months and even years, as witnessed by his magnificent series of black & white portraits of his great-aunt Juliette, documenting the passage of time. In India, Denis Dailleux visited two emblematic flower hubs: Tamil Nadu, the cradle of flower plantations in the south-east, and the Kolkata Flower Market.

↑ India, Kolkata, 2019 Mullick Ghat, India's biggest flower market.
The Kolkata Flower Market, also known as Mullick Ghat, is the largest in India and one of the largest in the world. It stretches along the banks of the Hooghly, the western arm of the Ganges, just below the impressive Howrah Bridge. Wedged between the river banks and a railway line, sellers display their treasures on stalls or out in the open, arranging the flowers on large pieces of fabric on the ground among the thronging crowd. Some wear a flower garland slung around their neck and shoulders, and stroll among the passers-by to sell their wares. Countless scents and vibrant colors reflect the variety of fresh flowers on sale every day. Jasmine, tuberose, gladioli, asters, foxtails, chrysanthemums and marigolds are sold by the kilo. The flowers are used in particular for the puja - the offering ceremony worshipping Hindu deities held in temples and private homes, where altars are installed. The offered flower is selected according to the deity honored during the ritual. Flowers are also used as decorations for religious celebrations, festivals and weddings. A few years back, Denis Dailleux travelled to the province of Tamil Nadu in southern India, where jasmine and tuberose are grown in particular for the region's huge flower markets - rather than the perfume industry - and Hindus come to purchase flower necklaces and petals for offerings. Tuberose, with its little ivory flowers budding atop long green stems, is harvested from one o'clock in the morning. Women in saris lean to the right and left to gather the plant, graced with one of the headiest perfumes in the plant kingdom. Then, at dawn, the very delicate jasmine harvest begins; the flower's immensely fragile petals, plucked with the greatest care, exhale a particularly powerful fragrance.
↑ India, Kolkata, 2019 Mullick Ghat, India's biggest flower market.

Care and attention to detail are also at the core of Denis Dailleux's photographic vision, as he strives to harvest various aspects of India's social and spiritual life. Regularly shown and published in the national and international press, his work has featured in numerous books. A member of Agence VU ', Denis Dailleux has also won prestigious prizes, including a World Press Photo in the Staged Portraits category for his Mère et Fils (Mother and Son) series in 2014, and the Roger-Pic prize in 2019, awarded by the Scam for his series titled In Ghana - We shall meet again.
↑ India, Kolkata, 2019 Mullick Ghat, India's biggest flower market.


Denis Dailleux's images evoke a genuine firework display of scents... They prompted Fragonard to ask Givaudan – a leading specialist in perfume ingredients and composition – to consider creating a perfume specially for the exhibition. The ensuing discussions between the photographer and perfumer bore fruit and the exhibition will boast its very own unique olfactory signature, immersing visitors in an all-encompassing sensory and visual experience
↑ India, Tamil Nadu province, Coimbatore, 2015. The flower market and its many flower varieties: rose, champaca, tuberose, jasmine, orange & yellow marigold, lotus and vetiver roots
India, Kolkata, 2019 Mullick Ghat, India's biggest flower market.
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